Thank you for your interest in You were redirected here because is an online brand manual offered by Mrs Smith, freelance graphic designer and brand consultant.

  • Do you have multiple versions of a brand manual?
  • Do you worry if the latest version/document is being used?
  • Do you want access to files and links directly from the manual?
  • Do you need access to your manual from anywhere?
  • Do you want your manual updated with the latest information and files?
  • Do you want designs added to your manual as they are produced? is a new take on the traditional CI manual document that details and guides everything about a brand, from the logo and its uses to colours, fonts and the arrangement of all these elements into a brands visual language.

Brand Guide by Mrs Smith offers an online manual solution that fulfils the same functions as the old printed and PDF manuals with the added benefits of real-time updates and access to the files that are governed by the rules and principles that make up a brand.

If you are interested in a Brand Guide for your company or business, I would love the opportunity to see how I can assist. Call (083 442 8561) or email ( I look forward to hearing from you.

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